Kamis, 16 April 2015

Sentence Pattern : Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifier

A Sentence is the basis for intelligible communication in the English language . Sentence Pattern is sentences are made up of at least two of these four basic parts : subject, verbs, complement, and modifier.

is the agent of sentence in the active voice (agen dari suatu kalimat dalam bentuk aktif)
contoh :
  • I explain how to study English
  • She listens to my explanation
  • They didn’t understand that language
Verb is the action of a sentence (aksi atau perbuatan pada suatu kalimat) Verb phrase: gabungan antara auxilaries dengan main verb (kata kerja utama)
  • I am learning English (am = auxilary, learning = main verb)
  • My brother is very clever
  • She has gone home (has = auxilary, gone = main verb)
  • I have been waiting here (have been = auxilary, waiting = main verb)
Biasanya berupa noun (kata benda) atau noun phrase (frasa kata benda) biasanya terdapat setelah verb pada kalimat aktif complement menjawab pertanyaan what (apa) atau siapa (whom)
  • Sarijon bought a cake yesterday
    • What did Sarijon buy yesterday?  –> a cake.
  • He saw Tony at the movie
    • Whom did he see at the movie? –> Tony
  • I explain pharmacology to my students
    • What do I explain to my students? –> pharmacology
Modifier menjelaskan time (waktu), place (tempat), atau manner (cara) dari sebuah aksi atau perbuatan. Bentuk yang paling umum dari modifier adalah prepositional phrase (kelompok kata yang dimulai dengan sebuah preposition dan diakhiri dengan sebuah noun Preposition = on, out, under, behind, etc… Modifier menjawab pertanyaan when (kapan), where (dimana), atau how (bagaimana)
  • John bought a book at a book fair
    • Where did John buy a book? –> at a book fair
  • She is driving very fast
    • How is she driving? –> very fast
  • I posted my application yesterday
    • When do I post my application? –> yesterday

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